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Māori governance a new focus for Associate

Having recently assisted whānau and hapū of his iwi Ngāti Maniapoto to progress their claims before the Waitangi Tribunal, the hearings for which concluded earlier this year, Glenn Tootill, an Associate in our Commercial and Māori Legal Teams has now shifted focus to concentrate on commercial matters including:

  • Māori governance
  • Joint ventures and limited partnerships
  • Commercial contracts
  • Agribusiness

Having previously worked for a law firm that specialised in rural and commercial law, for the past few years Glenn has worked primarily with Ngāti Maniapoto whānau and hapū, prosecuting their claims in the Te Rohe Pōtae Waitangi Tribunal Inquiry, and also has experience in Māori Land Court matters.  During that time Glenn also worked in the Commercial Team primarily working on rural conveyancing and leases.

Glenn also completed the Te Tohu Paetahi, full immersion te reo Māori course whilst working in 2013 and is currently studying to complete his Graduate Diploma in Te Reo Māori.

Glenn is the Secretary of Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Incorporated, has been appointed to the Maniapoto Māori Trust Board for the three year term beginning in June, Chairman of Ngā Tai o Kāwhia Regional Management Committee, Co-Chair of Te Humeka Waikato Māori Business Network Association and is a trustee on a number of Māori land trusts.  Glenn is also a member of Te Hunga Rōia Māori o Aotearoa (Māori Law Society) having previously sat on the National Executive.

Glenn is passionate and committed to the progression and development of Māori as a people.  He has a particular interest in Māori governance and is keen to assist Māori corporates including Māori land trusts/incorporations who require advice on their structure, rules, roles, responsibilities and mitigating disputes.

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