Māori Land

Māori Land

Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangatanga maha tēnā koutou katoa

Our team is committed to working with Māori land owners, whānau, hapū and iwi to achieve their whenua objectives and aspirations.

We have the skills and experience to provide a wide range of legal services in the following areas:

  • Māori Land Trusts, Incorporations and Marae Governance Entities.
  • Māori Land Utilisation and Development
  • Māori Land Dispute Resolution.
  • Māori Land Estate Administration.

We are committed to incorporating Māori values into the way we practise law and acknowledge the importance of building strong long term relationships with Māori land owners, whānau, hapū and iwi.


Our Māori Land Team
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Renika Siciliano Executive Director
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Kylee Katipo Director
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Tiana Barker Senior Solicitor
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Cree Ratapu Senior Solicitor
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Carmen Mataira Senior Solicitor
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Tazmyn Prendiville-Stowers Solicitor
See full profile
Tasha Burton Support Staff

Mana Tupuna

We have the expertise and skills to assist you through the administration of your whānau members estate particularly where that estate involves Māori land interests.

We have the skills and experience to provide a wide range of legal services in the following areas:

  • Succession to Māori land interests.
  • Establishing a whānau or kaitiaki trust.
  • Gifting your Māori land interests. 


Our Experts
See full profile
Kylee Katipo Director
See full profile
Tiana Barker Senior Solicitor

Mana Whakahaere

We understand that is essential that Māori land trusts and governance entities are well equipped to deal with the present and future aspirations for beneficiaries.

Our Team is committed to providing robust advice to Māori land trusts and governance entities to balance the protection of the whenua alongside the utilisation of the whenua.

We have the expertise and skills to assist your Trust, Incorporation, Marae Governance entities in the following areas:

  • Structural Advice.
  • Trust Orders, Marae Charters and Constitutions.
  • Appointment and replacement of trustees.


Our Experts
See full profile
Kylee Katipo Director
See full profile
Tiana Barker Senior Solicitor

Mana Whenua

Our Team has the expertise to assist Māori land owners, whanau, hapū and iwi to utilise and develop their whenua to achieve your future aspirations.

We have the skills and experience to provide a wide range of legal services in the following areas:

  • Leases.
  • Sales.
  • Occupation and Licenses to Occupy.
  • Partition.
  • Vesting interests.


Our Experts
See full profile
Kylee Katipo Director
See full profile
Tiana Barker Senior Solicitor

Mana Tangata

We acknowledge the importance to Māori of being able to deal with situations kanohi ki te kanohi.  

We have lawyers who are able to assist with mediations or arbitrations involving Māori land.  We are also experienced in facilitating hui for trusts and owners of Māori land and reporting to the Court as required.

We have the skills and experience to provide a wide range of legal services in the following areas:

  • Litigation before the Māori Land Court and Māori Appellate Court.
  • Mediation.
Our Experts
See full profile
Kylee Katipo Director
See full profile
Tiana Barker Senior Solicitor
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