Litigation through the Courts can take a long time, is often expensive and the outcomes are never guaranteed. For these reasons, our experts encourage, where appropriate, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes.
Our team, which includes members of the Arbitrators’ and Mediators’ Institute of New Zealand, can help you with:
- Arbitration.
- Mediation.
- Expert determination.
Good People, Great Lawyers
Our clients are whānau
Our clients are individuals and families, companies and trusts, charities, hapū and iwi. We pride ourselves in caring for our clients, making their lives easier through the long-standing relationships we build with them.
Excellence, People, Teamwork
McCaw Lewis is driven by three key values: Whāia te iti kahurangi, Manaakitanga and Kotahitanga.
We offer a comprehensive suite of legal services with a focus on commercial, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, property, dispute resolution, asset planning, environmental/natural resources, workplace law and Māori land.
Contact us today
07 838 2079
Our team are ready to help with your dispute. You can give us a call or enter your details in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Related Publications
Commercial Dispute Resolution Process
In most commercial contracts there are dispute resolution clauses which govern how parties are to try and resolve disputes. A recent High Court case demonstrates the importance of following the dispute resolution process set out in contracts, rather than simply reverting straight to Court.
Name Your Discount - What is a “Fair Abatement” of Rent?
On 28 August 2021, the COVID-19 Response (Management Measures) Legislation Bill (“the Bill”) was passed, and the Bill will be rubber stamped into the law shortly. Somewhat surprisingly, the Bill introduces a new “rent reduction in an emergency” clause which will function as the default “rent reduction” clause for leases that do not already have one. This article discusses what the Bill means for landlords and tenants in the commercial space.
Commercial Leases During COVID-19 – How Does Arbitration Work?
Commercial leases have been in the spotlight during COVID-19. With many tenants unable to operate from their premises during the Alert Level 4 (and 3 to a lesser extent), resulting in a loss of revenue, the Government has been encouraging landlords to negotiate with tenants. On 4 June 2020, the Government announced that small business commercial tenants and landlords who cannot reach agreement on a fair reduction in rent will enter into a subsidised, compulsory arbitration process.

Dispute Resolution at McCaw Lewis
We can also assist with:
- Trust and Estate Disputes
- Relationship Property and Family Disputes
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Construction Disputes
- Debt Recovery and Creditors' Remedies
- Civil and Commercial Disputes
- Franchise Disputes
- Insolvency Issues
- Insurance Disputes
- Property and Lease Disputes
- Tort Claims (including Negligence)
- Rural Disputes
- Claims in Equity
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Iwi Disputes
- Māori Land Dispute Resolution