Debt recovery and dealing with creditor issues can be stressful and costly without expert advice. Our team of lawyers specialise in all facets of debt collection and strategies to ensure that matters are dealt with quickly.
We can support you with legal advice on:
- Debt recovery.
- Enforcing guarantees.
- Enforcing securities.
- Security priorities.
Good People, Great Lawyers
Our clients are whānau
Our clients are individuals and families, companies and trusts, charities, hapū and iwi. We pride ourselves in caring for our clients, making their lives easier through the long-standing relationships we build with them.
Excellence, People, Teamwork
McCaw Lewis is driven by three key values: Whāia te iti kahurangi, Manaakitanga and Kotahitanga.
We offer a comprehensive suite of legal services with a focus on commercial, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, property, dispute resolution, asset planning, environmental/natural resources, workplace law and Māori land.
Contact us today
07 838 2079
Our team are ready to help with your civil dispute. You can give us a call or enter your details in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.
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Business Debt Hibernation – Survival Following COVID-19
What do you do when a debtor company asks you for Business Debt Hibernation? Business Debt Hibernation allows companies affected by COVID-19 to put in place a one month voluntary arrangement whereby creditors are paid a percentage of outstanding debt, with the balance delayed. Under the new Schedule 13 of the Companies Act 1993, where debtors require further time, and if creditors agree, a further period of six months protection can be arranged.
Business acquisitions: The importance of due diligence to manage risk
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How to ensure debts are recovered
The strain of the current economic climate is seeing more and more debtors (clients, customers or service users) being unable to meet their payment obligations and in turn making it difficult for creditors (companies or individuals) to stay financially afloat.

Dispute Resolution at McCaw Lewis
We can also assist with:
- Trust and Estate Disputes
- Relationship Property and Family Disputes
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Construction Disputes
- Debt Recovery and Creditors' Remedies
- Civil and Commercial Disputes
- Franchise Disputes
- Insolvency Issues
- Insurance Disputes
- Property and Lease Disputes
- Tort Claims (including Negligence)
- Rural Disputes
- Claims in Equity
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Iwi Disputes
- Māori Land Dispute Resolution