
Legal publications and resources from our team on a wide range of legal subjects and hot topics critical to our clients' needs.


Legal publications and resources from our team on a wide range of legal subjects and hot topics critical to our clients' needs.

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Tips for the silly season

This article outlines some tips for surviving the festive season for both employers and employees.

Published by Renika Siciliano
Treaty settlement negotiations: An overview

The Treaty settlement negotiations process is often a lengthy one, involving a number of different players throughout. This article provides a brief overview of the various steps in the Treaty settlement process and some of the unique aspects to be aware of.

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Changing the landscape: The land acquisition process under the Public Works Act

With the many recent changes to the Waikato landscape it is important to consider the implications the Public Works Act may have on your property. This article summarises the acquisition process under the Act and considers the consequences of this process for the land owner.

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Agreements to lease

Are you a landlord or a tenant about to enter into an agreement to lease? This article identifies issues and key points for landlords and tenants to consider before signing the agreement.

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PPSR and PMSI: Registered charges over property

The Personal Properties Securities Register (PPSR) is an online database which allows individuals or companies to register their interest against property which they hold as security. This article explains the different situations when the PPSR is used and when it is important.

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The GCSB Amendment Bill: Is the Government spying on us?

The controversial Government Communications Security Bureau Amendment Bill was passed into law on 21 August 2013. This article summarises the key changes that the Bill makes to the existing law.

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What you need to know if you are an executor under a will

An executor is the person (or persons) appointed under a will to carry out the terms of the will. Executors are often referred to in a will as trustees or personal representatives.

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Duties of trustees: What you NEED to know as a trustee

Are you a trustee of a trust? In recent times, there has been an increase in beneficiary requests for information from and claims against trustees. In order to avoid disputes and defend claims, it is essential that trustees understand and comply with their duties.

Published by Daniel Shore
Franchise disputes: What does that dispute resolution clause mean?

Chances are your Franchise Agreement has a dispute resolution clause. What does it mean and what do you need to look out for?

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Phoenix law and the Companies Act

This article outlines the implications of the "phoenix law" provisions of the Companies Act on creditors and directors and discusses a recent case which looks at the value of goodwill that attaches to a previous company name.

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Further changes to the taxation of lease payments

There have been a number of changes in relation to lease inducement and lease surrender payments in 2013. Inland Revenue is now proposing broader changes to payments relating to leases, other interests in land, and licences to use land. 

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Resource Management Act side agreements: Is it acceptable to purchase approvals?

The Resource Management Act 1991 sets out the process undertaken by consent authorities (i.e. District and Regional Councils) in relation to applications for resource consents. Such applications are processed on a notified or non-notified basis, which determines the extent of public participation in the process.

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Implementation Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009

On 30 June 2013 the Anti-Money Laundering & Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 came into force. The new legislation aims to identify money laundering proceeds which have been generated from underlying criminal activities.

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Feedback sought on possible tax changes for deregistered charities

IRD has released a consultation paper seeking feedback on proposals to clarify the tax rules that apply when a charity is removed from the Department of Internal Affairs’ Charities Register. Submissions close on 23 August 2013.

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Employment Relations Amendment Bill: Potential changes to consider

The Employment Relations Amendment Bill was introduced into Parliament on 26 April 2013 and passed its first reading on 5 June 2013. The Bill introduces many changes to the Employment Relations Act 2000.