
Legal publications and resources from our team on a wide range of legal subjects and hot topics critical to our clients' needs.


Legal publications and resources from our team on a wide range of legal subjects and hot topics critical to our clients' needs.

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The Constitution Conversation - He kaupapa nui te kaupapa ture

The National Government is currently conducting “The Constitution Conversation”; a review of New Zealand’s constitutional arrangements (“review”). The review originates from the 2008 Confidence and Supply Agreement between the Māori Party and the National Government. This review is significant as it calls for public submissions on how we want our country to be run, and includes an inquiry into the role of the Treaty of Waitangi in our constitutional arrangements.

Published by Renika Siciliano
Who gets to cancel the contract?

The recent case of Ingram v Patcroft Properties Limited [2011] NZSC 49 dealt specifically with one party’s right to cancel a lease agreement as a result of the other party’s breach.

Published by Daniel Shore
How to ensure debts are recovered

The strain of the current economic climate is seeing more and more debtors (clients, customers or service users) being unable to meet their payment obligations and in turn making it difficult for creditors (companies or individuals) to stay financially afloat.

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Update on the Construction Contracts Amendment Bill

The Construction Contracts Amendment Bill was referred to Parliament earlier this year. The proposed changes to the Act are intended to apply from 1 November 2013.

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Lease inducement and surrender payments

Recent tax reforms provide for changes to the taxation of lease inducement and lease surrender payments. This article outlines these reforms, which apply from 1 April 2013.

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Payroll changes 1 April 2013

Download information about the Payroll Changes 1 April 2013.

Published by Laura Monahan
Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009

The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (the Act) comes into full force on 30 June 2013. One of the Acts aims is to ensure that “reporting entities” take appropriate measures against money laundering and financing of terrorism.

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You're getting married! The legal "to do" list

On 17 April 2013 the New Zealand Parliament passed the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill giving same-sex couples the right to marry. The result of this is that all couples, regardless of gender, now have the right to marry to express their commitment to each other.

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Summary of Supreme Court water rights case

Early last year, the Māori Council filed an urgent claim with the Waitangi Tribunal seeking a recommendation that the Crown not proceed with the proposed partial sale of state-owned enterprises. After the hearing had been split into two parts, one urgent stage and one second stage full review of Māori interests in water, the Tribunal’s urgent response in August 2012 concluded that Māori have interests in water in the nature of ownership.

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Commercial leases: The new ADLS deed of lease

The Auckland District Law Society released its revised 6th edition 2012 deed of lease form in November 2012.

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Wai 45 Ngāti Kahu Remedies Report on the binding powers of the Waitangi Tribunal

On 4 February 2013 the Waitangi Tribunal released the Wai 45 Ngāti Kahu Remedies Report (“report”). The report is focused on an application to the Waitangi Tribunal by Ngāti Kahu for binding recommendations or remedies, to the Crown to redress prejudice that it has caused Ngāti Kahu. The Inquiry and report are significant for Māori claimants and other interested parties as it is one of a few instances where the Tribunal has fully considered its unique jurisdiction to make recommendations which are binding upon the Crown in the context of the current Treaty claim landscape.

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Limited partnerships

Limited partnerships seem to be growing in popularity. The Limited Partnerships Act was passed in 2008, so the structure is no longer something new. There are now over 500 registered, and they seem to be increasingly used as a business vehicle. There are a number of advantages to limited partnerships (as well as disadvantages), and they can usefully be used in a range of situations. Read Thomas' article that appeared in NZLawyer on 18 January 2013.

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Update on the Building Amendment Bill (No 4)

The Building Act 2004 recently had an overhaul with the Building Amendment Act 2012 coming in to force in March. The next major changes to the Act are expected via the Building Amendment Bill (No 4), although it is unknown at this point when the Bill is likely to come in to force.

Published by Daniel Shore
Franchise disputes: When things do not go to plan

Purchasing a franchise usually provides the comfort of an established brand and structured business system. It does however come at a cost, both to buy into the system and with on-going marketing levies and royalties.

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Disqualification order under the Charities Act

Are you an officer of a charity? Perhaps you are on the committee of the local swimming club, or a trustee of a charitable trust. If so, you need to be aware of the increased attention being paid to charitable officers.